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June 30, 2004

My summer holidays

here i am.
I just wanna explain today my situation right now. I think that this summer may be the borest summer that i have ever had. I´d like to flyin' away from Spain to.........Los Angeles or Miami where i can speak "my english" and make it better (but i don´t really mind the place while it was away from Spain). Don´t be afraid! I love Spain but i am all the year here and i like change my way, u no...
So, the problem is that i have no money and i can´t spend the holidays that i was thinkin' in.
By the way, here in Spain i can spend a gr8 summer but at north(where i live) the sun doesn´t appear for Ages!!!!! (Almost it seems......) and i can´t go to the beach and do sun bathin' :( sniff sniff
As u see, this could be the borest summer holiday i have ever had.........But i must wait until September to check if it was.
So, wot do u think about this?? Send me ur comments
PD: Scuse my english........ ;D

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